The Chicken Sedan - A Playset Upcycle Project

The Chicken Sedan - 2019
We finished the Chicken Sedan (chicken coop) in 2019. Our first significant landscape structure, it took too long but the continuous fiddling with demo'ing a playset and re-using/upcycling all the materials to build a screen door, rebuild the roof, add metal roofing, added swinging bar door, and enclosing the run area in chicken wire and hardware cloth was just a lot of work.

We installed an auto-door, a very nice one made in Texas. Very easy to install and I'd definitely recommend them. We chose a swinging door because we didn't have space above the door for it to lift up but did have the space to swing out.

Initially I had a ladder inside the coop however I found the smaller birds really had a long drop down and 2 of our birds ended up with bumblefoot, possibly because of that drop. It also was difficult for me to clean around. I gave up on the "cute ladder" design and one day just mounted a simple 2x4 along the left side. To my surprise, it worked out so much better. So easy for us to clean now while just standing on the ladder with a long rake.

The linoleum helps with the easy clean-up. I think because we bought a cheap piece on clearance, it ended up being a matte finish linoleum so we've had no problems with slippery-ness that some people complain about with linoleum.

The Chicken Sedan - with shade and sand run added.

Re-arranged interior that works better now. 2x4 on closet shelf brackets is all we needed on the left side.  For 8 hens, 3 nesting boxes are all they use. (Neck-neck and Ebony, the 2 broody birds this spring 2020 each take over the end boxes!)

This ramp is still holding up. Even the silkies we were babysitting one summer learned to use this loooong ramp just fine! The slats placed about every 6 inches over some cheap outdoor carpet rugs really helped make this work. 
